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Our Faithful Walk With

God Ministry, LLC.

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Group of Diverse People Holding Hands

The purpose of this website is to enable users to engage God in a spiritual walk through life and to be guided by Him to bring meaningfulness to their lives.

Our Faithful Walk With God Ministry, LLC.

Our purpose is to help others grow spiritually as they read and study God’s Word walking in the

footprints of Jesus.

Multicultural Hands in the Air with Hearts. Support  and Unity Concept.

Through prayer, life stories, service, and studying the Word of God, Our Faithful Walk With God Ministry, LLC will do our best through the love and grace of God to help people connect to God and to one another.

Multicultural people illustration

As you read these thirty-three short stories of real-life experiences

of others, you will see how the grace of God can bring confidence

and stability to your life.

These stories reveal that our loving God is always near, that we are not walking this life alone, and that His

power is more than sufficient to help us overcome life's challenges.

Buy the book HERE!

Rev. H. Jocelyn Irving

Rev. Irving is a senior partner and chief spiritual officer of Our Faithful Walk with God Ministry, LLC. She is the retired rector of the Episcopal Church of the Atonement in Washington, DC. Rev. Irving was an educator in Paterson, New Jersey for 24 years. Rev. Irving, a graduate of William Paterson University and Drew University, is the proud mother of Vian, Farrah, Herman III, and Christopher.

Obie Pinckney

Mr. Pinckney is a senior Partner and chief strategy officer of Our Faithful Walk with God Ministry, LLC. He is a retired business owner, lawyer, government executive, and an outspoken disciple of Jesus Christ. He earned degrees from South Carolina State University, American University, and Georgetown University Law Center. Mr. Pinckney is the husband of Carolyn—father of Pennye and Pamela.

Inspirational Stories

Chemo, Faith, and Death

Jesus answered him, ‘Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’” ~ Luke 23:43

Henry was a great father. He loved his wife and three daughters; they were the joys of his life. Henry was a hard worker and had worked for thirty years at the same law firm. He was well-loved and respected by everyone. He was a member of his church and was on the board of trustees. His youngest daughter was preparing to get married. The families had picked out the venue, and the service was to be held at the family church, and all was in place.

Five months before the wedding, Henry woke up one morning with blood in his stools. He went to his doctor’s office, and he ordered a colonoscopy. The results were not good; Henry had colon-rectal cancer. He was scheduled for chemotherapy and went through the treatments. He, however, was not feeling any better and was getting weaker and weaker.

Two months before the wedding, hospice came, and he was rap- idly failing. He called his pastor, who was officiating the wedding ceremony. They prayed together, and Henry, knowing he was terminally ill, asked his pastor to please come back and pray with him and his family.

The family gathered and met. Henry told his daughters how much he loved them and that he was very proud of their accomplishments. He told his wife how he enjoyed their fifty years of marriage and would not want his life to have been any way different.

Henry’s health continued to fail. On the day of the wedding, his daughter pushed him down the aisle in his wheelchair. The ceremony was beautiful. Before the service was over, Henry asked if he could say a few words. He struggled to stand and was supported by his wife. He did not speak but prayed for the bride and groom, their families, and guests. He thanked God for sparing him to attend the wedding and that he knew that he would see God shortly. He quoted John 14:1–6, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am.”

There was not a dry eye in the church. Henry went home after the wedding, back to his bed, and died two weeks later. Henry’s story is one of faith and trust in God. He knew that he was going to die, but it did not stop him from attending the wedding. Henry was prepared to meet God. Let us also know that the place prepared for us also. Amen.

A Mother’s Love

Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.” ~ Luke 2:51

As tears streamed down her face, Maria kissed Jose goodbye and handed him over to the man who was paddling the small over- crowded dinghy. Maria thought that it was better to send him to America alone than for him to live in a country where she knew that Jose might not survive, and even if he did, he would not thrive.

This was twenty years ago, and Jose did thrive in America. He was adopted by a family that loved him. This story began with Jose landing on American soil. He was taken to a children’s shelter by the authorities, where he was registered as a child with no name and was given the name Jose. The director of the shelter wondered, “How could a mother give her baby boy away?” Her assistant said, “In the Bible, we read the story of Moses, an Israelite. His mother, in order to save his life, put him in a basket in the Nile River and released him because the Egyptian Ruler Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew babies under the age of two killed. He was found by Pharaoh’s daughter, who raised him as her own, and Moses grew to become the appointed one of God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.” She further said, “Jose could very well be a Moses to his people.” Jose was listed as one to be adopted. Being two years of age, Jose’s language skills were limited, and he could only say a few words in Spanish. She hoped that a Spanish-speaking family would adopt him, and they did.

Carmen and Miguel had tried for years to have a child and had given up hope when their pastor announced that there were many immigrant children who were in need of a loving and caring family to adopt them. Carmen’s ears perked up, and she told Miguel, who was working that Sunday morning. She wrote down the number, called the next day, and set up an appointment.

They went in for an interview and were deemed well qualified to adopt a child. They were given the address of a shelter in the next town and went to see the director. The director immediately thought of Jose, who was now three. Carmen and her husband went into the playroom and watched Jose play with the other children. They fell in love with him, and the adoption process began. Carmen and Miguel came by every week to visit Jose so that he would become familiar with them. The staff noticed that there was a little girl who had taken a liking to Jose and would watch and play with him during the day. She and Jose had come to the shelter at the same time. She was eight, and her name was Angel, and she treated Jose as his guardian angel.

Angel noticed that a particular lady and man were coming every week to see Jose and overheard the lady say that they would bring Jose home the following week. Angel was devastated; Jose was leaving, and she would not see him anymore. On the day of his departure, Angel went over to Jose with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, “Goodbye.” She asked Carmen, “Could I send Jose a card or note now and then.” Carmen said, “Yes,” and gave her the address, and Jose left.

Years passed, and Angel was never adopted but did well. She attended college and majored in social work. She became a case manager, helping refugees and immigrants. Angel wrote Jose and sent cards to him, but as the years moved on, the notes and cards stopped. In the meantime, Jose did well and was now in his senior year at college. One day, as Angel was clearing out her drawer, she came across Jose’s address and wrote a note to him. To her surprise, he wrote back. She explained to him how she knew him. He shared the letter with his parents, and they remembered her as well. They exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet. When Angel saw Jose, all she could do was weep. She told him of their time together at the orphanage and how she loved him so much.

She asked him to ask his parents if she could come over and speak to them. They said “yes” but wondered why. Angel knew that Jose was aware that he was adopted. His adoptive parents nor the agency had any info on him. They had tried but had no luck.

When they met, Angel pulled out a paper with words written in Spanish that said, “I will always love you.” It was signed by Maria Cruz. She showed it to Carmen, Jose, and Miguel. She told them that it was a note from her mother. But not only her mother but Jose’s mother.

She told them the story of their departure from their country and the ride in the dinghy. She had promised her mother that she would not mention that they were siblings because she feared that they might be sent back. During their stay at the shelter, she took care of Jose, and no one was the wiser. When Jose left the orphanage, Angel was devastated but was determined to find him one day. She thanked Carmen for giving her their address years ago. Carmen said that they received her notes and read them to Jose and wondered what happened to that little girl and why the letters stopped coming.

Angel said, “There is more.” She looked at Jose and said, “Our birth mother is alive, and I’m working on papers to bring her to America.” Jose looked at Carmen and said to Angel, “Here is my mother.” Angel agreed but continued, “I would like for us to take a DNA test to prove my story that you are my brother.” Angel said, “I will not bother you any longer and pray that you will also pray over what I have said. You, Jose, along with your par- ents, can decide what you will do.” With that, she left.

Three weeks later, Angel received a call from Carmen. She wanted to talk some more. Angel went back to the home, and they discussed her mom, who was soon to come. In the meantime, Carmen had spoken to her pastor, who counseled her and Miguel, and they were overjoyed to welcome Maria Cruz into their home.

Four months later, Maria arrived in America and saw her children after twenty years. Maria looked over at Jose and said, “That just as Moses had his Miriam, you had your Angel.” To this day, all are doing well. Maria lives with Angel and has a job. Jose is in graduate school seeking his master’s degree in social work so that he, too, can help refugees and immigrants as his sister. Thanks be to God! Amen.

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Group of Multicultural Students Illustration